The first two weeks of September 2015 I have in the Glass House created an installation titled "Ode to Gaudi". This has resulted in a work that at a closer examination may be perceived by the viewer as a tree.
The tree consists of root system, stem and crown. All these are developed in a different way but together they still constitute a whole. This whole is highly expressive and gives an impression of flowing organic scintillating life full of energy. This tree is so laid in the space that for the public two walkways residues. Namely, one along the top and one along the root system. By this routes the rear space in the Glass House can be achieved. Here the continuation of the exhibition could be seen in the form of a series of projected computer graphics. These graphics clarified where the design language with the vertical blinds has its origin.
At a distance the work looks quite chaotic. The space between the vertical blinds close mainly because the blinds are placed in two layers on top of each another. When The visitor however, choose one of the pedestrian routes he will experience that the work opens and that a certain organization becomes visible. This organization is not rational as in an ornament but arises from an intuitive musical play with forms that recur rhythmically in different sizes. The space between the fins is going to play an important role. A striking feature is that the work in a uniform manner demands the attention of the eye. The eye is not hierarchish guided from major to minor. All parts of successive crown stem and root system are as equally important.
Especially when the sun shines throw the blinds sharp dark shadows on the floor which gives an extra dimension both aesthetically and in terms of meaning to the work.In this work a beauty is, in my opinion, found connected to the organic form, somewhere between order and chaos, light and dark and the fluidity between them.
In July 2015 I made a couple of works with vertical blinds on the Urban Camp site Blijburg in Amsterdam. The Urban Camp Site consists of a number of objects designed by artists and designers where people can stay in. In this camp the opportunity was given to get started and build with your own material and thus add artwork to the site which I have used. The work that I have made responds to the installation of "Studio Plots" that exists on the outside of a rational structure of straight lines. Around this I placed my organic intuitive structure of curved lines ending in so-called "pailsley" forms. The impression is that one of shapes that crawl around the plant.
In the second work, I tried to get up a structure into the height with only blinds and sand. Source of inspiration here were the so called staircase pyramides which are the oldest large stone structures. Instead of rectangular stone blocks here circles of different size filled with sand are the basis. Large,medium and small circles represent a 'musical'structure. This circle structure is complemented with triangles of sand in which the sand-grain also forms a contrast with the smooth structure of the vertical blinds. In a musical rhythmic play of forms and contrasts in structure beauty emerges in my opinion. The whole is at the top sealed with a Paisley form which is used in the nearby work and thus celebrating this form. The structure gets also something of a wonderful figure. The work is to see at the bottom of the page (click on thumbnail)